Descriptive Transcript
Narrated: According to Merriam-Webster, something is accessible if it can be reached.
Audio Description: The term accessible is displayed with the pronunciation, grammar usage, and definition.
Narrated: Imagine we are designing a pedestrian bridge to cross a busy street.
Audio Description: A colourful, animated street scene appears. The scene shows a pedestrian bridge stretching over a busy highway on a sunny day. The cars speed under the bridge as a person in a motorised wheelchair approaches the bridge.
Narrator: We can create stairs to access the bridge, but then wheelchair users wouldn’t be able to use it.
Audio Description: The person stops at the bottom of the stairs. They cannot access the pedestrian bridge! Ramps can also be too steep or have obstructions in the way. The stairs to the bridge morph into a ramp, and the wheelchair user begins trying to use the ramp.
Narrator: Sometimes, even with design regulations and specifications, bridges are built that aren’t usable by everyone.
Audio Description: The ramp is too steep! The person makes slow progress and even rolls slightly back down the slope as a young man with a skateboard performs a jump trick before descending the ramp, followed closely by a bicyclist.
Narrator: Rather than building a bridge that isn’t accessible, we restart with an inclusive design approach.
Audio Description: The bridge fades out, and a blueprint of the bridge is displayed.
Narrator: We consider how people with a range of abilities will use the bridge and ask them to evaluate the design.
Audio Description: The new blueprint shows an elevator and tiered, low incline ramp on either side of the bridge. The blueprint then fades back into the same street scene, but the bridge now has elevator access and low incline ramps.
Narrator: The measure of success is easy; can the other side be reached by all our users?
Audio Description: The camera zooms out from the street scene to a board room with several individuals who are evaluating the bridge design. Some individuals have accessibility needs, and a presenter is listening intently to their feedback and evaluating the effectiveness of the bridge design.
Narrator: It’s important to think inclusively when creating a product because about 15% of the global population lives with disabilities that significantly impact their life and overcome accessibility issues on a daily basis.
Audio Description: The board room fades out and a rotating depiction of Earth appears with “15%” written to the right side of the globe.
Narrator: In the design of our products and our daily operations, we must be inclusive of everyone.
Audio Description: The scene changes to show a video player with the closed caption menu icon highlighted and enlarged to show its importance.
Narrator: We commit to making our products and our processes accessible, so our customers can provide accessible solutions to their employees, because the law requires it, and because we recognise it's the right thing to do.
Audio Description: The video player morphs to show a simplified software interface. The words “Tab Order” appear as the UI tabs are highlighted. The camera zooms in on the simplified interface and the words “headings are important” appears at the heading level of the software interface page. Then “write descriptive hyperlinks” appears in the nearby text area, “alternative texts for images” is overlaid on an image icon, and “High contrast colours” appears at the bottom of the simplified software interface page.
Narrator: Our purpose is people, and for us, accessibility is the realisation that inspiration comes from people of all abilities.
Audio Description: The simplified software interface disappears and is replaced with an office scene. A happy and diverse workforce is shown in an office with desks separated by a central aisle that leads to the elevators. Several employees are busy at their desks, while a female wheelchair user and male coworker chat near the elevator doors. Two more employees appear from the left and talk as they make their way across the office, one in a motorised wheelchair and the other walking alongside them. Two men, one with a white cane, are seen talking and moving around the office together as the scene fades. We invite you to learn more about accessibility, to be the voice that removes barriers, and become an accessibility ally to share knowledge and awareness.
Audio Description: A dark teal Universal Access logo appears encircled by text reading, “Become an Accessibility Ally.” That symbol gives way to the UKG logo and motto “Our purpose is people.”