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UKG Ready Connect

A common challenge that many roles across an organisation face is balancing day-to-day tasks with major milestone activities and finding ways to improve on those over time. The UKG Ready® solution intelligently recognises organisational roles and guides you through the activities most important to your job. Our UKG readyConnect® panel anticipates your needs so you never miss a beat.

UKG Pro Learning

Role-Based Resources
The readyConnect panel tailors the information it serves up based on your role, ensuring the content provided is always relevant to your responsibilities.

Anticipating Activity Cycles
The Ready solution remembers the cycles of activity at your organisation and proactively displays important data, best practices, and process steps in the readyConnect panel so you’re prepared ahead of time.

Connections to Guidance and Training With the readyConnect panel, the resources you need to succeed in your day-today and build winning people strategies are always in reach.