AI has been around for many years, it offers enormous power and potential to our work and everyday lives, increasing productivity and efficiency for success.
AI has been around for many years, it offers enormous power and potential to our work and everyday lives, increasing productivity and efficiency for success.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been around for many years, but few people are fully aware of the enormous power and potential it has in our workplaces and lives every day. Most of the time, we don’t realise that AI is constantly working behind the scenes to streamline what we do. A new study from UKG reveals that many people use AI daily both at home and at work without knowing it, even though it is making millions of jobs easier.
The webinar delves into research that reveals how much employees trust AI, where they are keen to embrace these tools, the benefits they expect to gain, and less popular applications of the technology.
Efficiency and productivity are among the biggest drivers for embracing these tools, with workers also keen to use them for eliminating bias and favouritism. They expect AI to make them more productive, freeing up time for more important work and greater collaboration, while improving job satisfaction.
In the years ahead, AI will become ever more prevalent in the way we do business, and organisations must understand how their employees view the use of this valued technology to future proof and ensure the overall success of their organisation.
This informative webinar explores the benefits of embracing AI in the workplace, how the shift to AI enhances productivity and business outcomes, and how AI can create nurturing environment built on trust that empowers everyone.